How to Begin the Talk – When it’s Time for Assisted Living or Memory Care

An elderly man enjoys a cup of coffee while sitting on a sofa next to a younger man.

Bringing up the subject is the trickiest part when it comes to getting the conversation about assisted living or memory care started. Mom or Dad may resist discussing it because they’re afraid of losing their sense of independence. Adult children might avoid the talk because they’re concerned about how parents may react. However, starting the… Continue reading How to Begin the Talk – When it’s Time for Assisted Living or Memory Care

10 Warning Signs – Is It Time for Assisted Living or Memory Care?

A heartwarming moment between an older and younger woman, both smiling brightly.

To ensure that Mom and Dad are safe and well, look for these signs to help you take the emotion out of the decision to recommend assisted living or memory care. Focus on ten objective measures: Driving. Don’t ignore near misses, fender benders, new dents or nicks. Request a ride to assess your loved one’s… Continue reading 10 Warning Signs – Is It Time for Assisted Living or Memory Care?

Debunking the Myths About Senior Falls

Senior slipping on the bathroom floor, attempting to grip a support rail with scattered toiletries around.

More than 25% of seniors experience a fall each year in America. Emergency departments see 3 million seniors for fall-related injuries. While falls are so common they’ve become the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries in adults over age 65, that doesn’t mean they are an inevitable fact of aging. In truth, the belief that falls are… Continue reading Debunking the Myths About Senior Falls